Okay, not literally. The interval between seconds didn’t actually lengthen. Time didn’t tick by slower than usual. People around me didn’t speak with a drawl or move in slow motion. There were no redshifts or time dilation effects that I noticed. It wasn’t as if I was launched into space at near light speed and returned to Earth to find my husband an old man, hunched over, grasping a walking cane, and my boys with gray hair and grandchildren. Nothing like that.
Here are all the books I read in 2021.
I’m thrilled my latest short story “Invasion of the Alien Parasite from Interdimensional Space” is now appearing in issue 925 of BewilderingStories.com.
I’m sad for those who lost their lives or loved ones on September 11th. I’m also thankful no one I personally knew died or was injured. I thought I’d share my 9/11 journal entry.
I was in Colorado visiting friends and family when Kabul fell to the Taliban. My in-laws turned on the television…
My short story “The Girl with No Eyes” has been published by Altered Reality Magazine. I’m so thankful my story found a home.
One year ago, on March 16, 2020, my kids did not return to school. In an email dated March 13,…
These are all the novels I read in 2020.
On November 30th, the day after my oldest son left home to join the Marines, I noticed a padded yellow envelope on his desk.
The other day I was looking at my website analytics and noticed an interesting data point. There was a huge spike in the number of hits on June 22nd–over a hundred people visited my website.