Robot Mommy

Bewildering Stories Issue 972

Robot Mommy, Bewildering Stories 972

Invasion of the Alien Parasite from Interdimensional Space

Bewildering Stories Issue 925

The Girl with No Eyes

Altered Reality Magazine, May/June 2021, Issue #29

One Stupid Cloud

An  Air Force lieutenant sees a single cloud in the sky, a seemingly innocuous puff of white that marks the beginning of a really bad day. (The Nebraska Review, winter 2002.)

The Origin of Fruitcake

A young, idealistic couple refuses to cut down trees to build their house and instead make their house out of fruitcake. (Originally published as “A Fruity Booty: A Holiday Season Tale, ” Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, December 25, 1993).

Characterization of Non-methane Hydrocarbons in the Rural Southeast United States

(Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 31, No. 23, pp. 4017-4038, 1997).

My first, last, and only peer-reviewed, published scientific paper.  (C’mon, aren’t you a little bit curious?)