My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine, the Russian troops being sent to their death fighting this senseless war, and any other victims of Putin’s megalomania.
I woke up this morning to discover that Joe Rogan apologized for yet another podcast that triggered another round of social media outrage…
I was in Colorado visiting friends and family when Kabul fell to the Taliban. My in-laws turned on the television…
One year ago, on March 16, 2020, my kids did not return to school. In an email dated March 13,…
Last week I saw a viral post going around on Twitter. Of course, I read it–and found nothing in the letter to support her accusation. What I read was a heart-felt letter of support from a devout Christian to his Hobby Lobby employees.
Earlier this year in May, I ran across a homework assignment in my son’s state-mandated, eighth grade sex-ed curriculum that infuriated me.
As a parent of two children, I read Ms. Szalai’s review of Senator Ben Sasse’s book The Vanishing American Adult because I want to raise my kids to become responsible, self-reliant adults. I did not expect a condescending, political diatribe.